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Upstate Announcements for January 24, 2023

Upstate Nursing seeks RN certifications

Certified Nurses Day is March 19. 北州护理部将在3月20日这一周为注册护士提供特别的餐点和礼物. Order forms for meals will be forthcoming. To ensure you are recognized, 上传证书(如果你还没有这样做)通过Upstate Nursing网页: www.Upstate.edu/Nursing. Questions? Email Natasha Zmitrowitz at ZmitrowN@Upstate.edu.



Team Upstate seeks shaves for St. Baldrick’s Day

上州队寻求剃须者帮助为圣. 为儿童肿瘤学研究提供资金. 该活动将于3月19日在纺车(7384 Thompson Rd, North Syracuse, NY)举行。. To join the team or to donate, visit: http://www.stbaldricks.org/teams/TeamUpstate. Individuals who join before Feb. 28 will receive a Team Upstate shirt. 会议地点的说明将在一周前通过电子邮件发送给注册的参与者. For more information email Abigail Venskus at VenskusA@Upstate.edu







Pediatric Emergency Medicine Assembly is Jan. 25

The 20th 一年一度的儿科急诊医学大会将于1月11日举行. 25 from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Collegian Hotel, Syracuse. 这次活动由纽约州澳门银河平台的急诊医学部主办,主题包括心理健康, eating disorders, and gun violence. To register, visit: http://www.eventsquid.com/event/17528. For more information, call Rose More at 315-464-6197.



健康链接研讨会盆底康复的男性一月. 26

Jillian Cardinali, PT, DPT, and Tania Gardner, PT, DPT, Upstate Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, will discuss pelvic floor anatomy, function, and prostate health Jan. 26 at 5 p.m. 在线或HealthLink/Oasis (6333 NY Route 298, East Syracuse). 专家们将讨论物理治疗如何改善男性骨盆底的功能,并帮助消除前列腺手术和治疗可能产生的副作用. 网上及现场参与均须注册,网址如下: http://upstate.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIrcumorjMjHdd9iJgo_py_H57-OHGbsAMU. Questions? Call Amy Allen at 315-464-4708.



NYS Deferred Comp webinars are Jan. 26, 27

纽约州延期公司的Mark Wallace将举办三场信息网络研讨会. The schedule is as follows:

  • Jan. 中午26点-纽约证券交易所,纽约养老金制度,退休,税收
  • Jan. 临近退休人员的退休前会议

For more information and to register, visit the HR Benefits page,寻找公告部分,并找到标题为纽约递延薪酬计划网络研讨会.



Flower sale is open for orders through Jan. 27

Flowers are available to purchase for $2.每人50张,在情人节期间送到纽约州澳门银河平台的员工手中. 所得款项将用于支持护理认可基金,该基金由上州基金会举办. To purchase a flower for an Upstate employee, visit http://fundraise.givesmart.com/form/fBcEow?vid=wr77w now through Jan. 27 at noon. For more information, email Morgan Gaffney at GaffneyM@Upstate.edu.



World Cancer Day is Feb. 4

In recognition of World Cancer Day, 星期六,北州癌症中心将举办咨询台, Feb 4 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Salt City Market. 您可以在此获取有关癌症预防、教育、筛查和治疗的宝贵信息. 来自以下项目的代表将到场:上州癌症中心, Upstate Mammovan, She Matters, We Matter, You Matter and beneath the surFACE. 



Valentine Ball for All is Feb. 8

Valentine Ball for All will be held Feb. 8 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Destiny USA Embassy Suites. 全民情人节舞会由上州基金会和盐湖城勇士队主办, and replaces the Father/Daughter Valentine Ball. 本次活动对所有3岁及以上的儿童以及他们的父母、监护人或看护人开放。. 娱乐、特别嘉宾、面部彩绘、照相亭、工艺品、礼品等将成为特色.

Tickets are $40 for each adult and $15 for each child. 收益将捐给上州戈里萨诺儿童医院的儿童心理健康服务. Registration is required and space is limited. For more information and to register, visit: http://www.upstatefoundation.org/ValentineBall.



2022-2023年度校长卓越分类服务奖正在寻求提名. 该奖项旨在表彰以CSEA为代表的国家机密服务雇员, PEF and PBA of NYS for excellence and superior service. Nominations are due Feb. 1,并通过电子邮件发送给人力资源部的梅根·蔡斯 chasem@forthoodvaloan.com. For nomination form and additional information visit: http://3.forthoodvaloan.com/pdl/intra/services/upstate_stars/chancellor-award.php



Retailers support Upstate Golisano and you can help

  • DiBella 's Subs:即日起至2月9日在DiBella 's Subs购买儿童餐. 14 and .50块将捐赠给上州戈里萨诺儿童医院.
  • Burger King: Now through Feb. 14, visit a participating Burger King in Syracuse, 宾厄姆顿或沃特敦,并以1美元的价格获得价值6美元的汉堡王优惠券. Valentine coupons may be redeemed between Feb. 14 and March 31.



Pathway to Wellness announcements

  • Easy for You is Tuesday, Feb. 14 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in 7335B Upstate University Hospital. 欢迎持有北州身份证的人在戒烟、咀嚼和吸电子烟方面获得帮助. Free nicotine replacement therapy is available. 欲了解更多信息,请联系特蕾莎·汉金或卡罗琳·瓦尔奇克,电话:315-464-3519或 walczykc@forthoodvaloan.com.
  • 美国心脏协会Check it挑战将于二月份开始. 任何有兴趣通过电子邮件检查血压和接受有关改善心血管系统的教育的人都欢迎发电子邮件 brisks@forthoodvaloan.com. 一个匿名的谷歌表格将用于跟踪血压,教育材料将通过电子邮件每周送达. The program runs through May.
  • Mindful Tuesdays上州EAP协调员安娜玛丽·克里斯蒂诺每周二上午11点主持“正念星期二”活动.m. for 15 minutes via WebEx. 克里斯汀提供正念冥想指导和信息. Join here: http://upstate.webex.com/meet/CristinA.

关于健康之路公告和活动的问题? Email BriskS@Upstate.edu.




Upstate Global Health寻求年龄在18至55岁之间、时间灵活的健康参与者参加登革热临床试验. Compensation is $5400 for completing the study. For more information, email Trials@Upstate.edu or call 315-464-9869.



The Informed Patient podcast

《澳门银河平台》的特点是对照顾年迈父母的采访, undergoing a prophylactic mastectomy, and treating pediatric inflammatory bowel disease.

“知情患者”播客和“空中健康链接”广播节目由上州营销和大学传播公司制作. 知情患者访谈可通过各种播客平台获得, 健康连线电台在上午6点在WRVO公共媒体上播出.m. Sundays. 播客和广播节目的音频和文本也可以在 3.forthoodvaloan.com/informed. 建议一个澳门银河平台的专家或主题,电子邮件琥珀史密斯在 SmithAmb@Upstate.edu.
