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Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) is observed nationally in April each year. The mission of SAAM is to raise awareness about sexual assault and to educate and empower individuals to take action to prevent it from happening in our community.

Sexual violence affects everyone. Whether you are a student, educator, administrator, coworker, parent, or friend, we all can make a difference by recognizing the warning signs of sexual violence.

The Office of Institutional Equity has gathered information to assist in the awareness efforts. Please take some time to look through the below links and resources to understand more about how we can work together to prevent sexual harassment and assault.

Teal Ribbon
  • Sexual Assault Awareness Day of Action is April 4, 2023: Wear teal on April 4 to show your support of survivors of sexual harassment and abuse.
  • Denim Day is April 26, 2023: Bring awareness to the misconceptions of sexual assault by      wearing denim on April 26.  
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Consent & Bystander Intervention Videos

Denim Day

Denim Day takes place every year on the last Wednesday in April, in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Individuals are encouraged to wear denim to bring awareness to victim blaming and to show solidarity and support to survivors of sexual violence. (Please refer to your departments dress code policy before participating in this event)

In 1992, in Italy, an 18-year-old woman was raped by her 45-year-old driving instructor, during her first driving lesson. The instructor drove the 18-year-old to a secluded area, forced her out of the vehicle, removed her jeans, raped her, and threatened to kill her if she told anyone. The perpetrator was subsequently arrested, prosecuted, and sentenced to prison. A year later, the perpetrator appealed to the Italian Supreme Court, who overturned the conviction, and the perpetrator was released. The Supreme Court justices argued that because the victim was wearing tight jeans, she had to help the perpetrator remove them, and thereby implying consent. The day after the Supreme Court’s decision, members of the Italian Parliament protested by wearing jeans on the steps of the Supreme Court.

Inspired by the protests, Patti Occhiuzzo Giggans, Executive Director of Peace Over Violence, organized the first Denim Day in Los Angeles to protest myths about why people are raped. The first Denim Day event was held in April 1999 and has continued annually around the world ever since.

Click on the link below for more information.



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